Getting started

The most simple structure that you need is

+ My site/
+--- src/
|    |
|    +---
+--- layouts/
|    |
|    +--- main.hbs
+--- public
     +--- index/
          +--- index.html

That includes default values so just running ssgs will generate the output public/index/index.html. You might expect it to be public/index.html, but for this is needed to adjust permalinks, continue reading.

Directory layout


Basically, every non markdown file will be copied to the output directory untouched, so you can create your own assets directory tree.

+ My site/
+--- src/assets/
|    |
|    +--- css/...
|    |
|    +--- js/...
|    |
|    +--- img/...
+--- public/assets/
     +--- css/...
     +--- js/...
     +--- img/...


For markdown files the directory layout is also reproduced, the only difference is that permalinks will add an extra directory named as the file at the end of the path. This allows you to group your URLS.

+ My site/
+--- src/
|    |
|    +--- blues/
|    |    |
|    |    +---
|    |    |
|    |    +---
|    |
|    +--- rock/
|         |
|         +---
|         |
|         +---
+--- public/
     +--- blues/
     |    |
     |    +--- johnny-winter/
     |    |    |
     |    |    +--- index.html
     |    |
     |    +--- muddy-waters/
     |         |
     |         +--- index.html
     +--- rock/
          +--- deep-purple/
          |    |
          |    +--- index.html
          +--- led-zeppelin/
               +--- index.html

Of course is possible to combine subfolders and assets:

+ My site/
+--- src/
|    |
|    +--- blues/
|         |
|         +--- johnny-winter/
|              |
|              +---
|              |
|              +--- img/
|                   |
|                   +--- ...
+--- public/
     +--- blues/
          +--- johnny-winter/
               +--- index.html
               +--- img/
                    +--- ...


Global variables can be set in the file metadata.json in the root of your project, metalsmith-define will make them available in the templates and markdown files through the object metadata. There is no requirement on how you organize the structure of this file.

Additionally to the variables you define globally, the configuration and the environment are also exposed through config and env.

Page variables are defined in the front matter of each markdown file. Some variable names have special meaning as they are used by some plugins.

It is important to highlight that variables are substituted in two phases, the first one before processing markdown and the second one when templates are processed by Handlebars. Thanks to metalsmith-hbt-md the source files are processed with Handlebars before they are transformed to HTML, otherwise the Handlebars expressions are removed and will never be accessible in the templates.

The following variables are optional and are controlled by their respective plugins.


Indicates the layout that must be used to process a page.

layout: post.hbs

By default metalsmith-permalinks will rename the final pages so will result in about/index.html. You can avoid this behaviour by settings permalink to FALSE, in this case the previous example will result in about.html. This can be useful for some pages like index.html or perhaps 404.html as they will remain at the root of the directory tree.

permalink: false

Additionally a pattern can be specified and metalsmith-permalinks will apply it to a specific page:

permalink: 'blog/:date/:filebasename.html'


Tags can be used for several things, the main purpose is that of metalsmith-tags, to create dedicated pages for tags. The layout to use is named by default as tags.hbs and the resulted pages will be structured under the directory public/tags/.

Another use is to exclude pages from being processed. This can be useful when a page is still a draft and you want to see it in your development environment but don't want it to be deployed in production. metalsmith-excludes will take care of it.

tags: [ blues, rock, draft ]

Handlebars helpers

These helpers can be used in templates or markdown files.


Will compose an absolute URL using the specified base URL.

{{ url '/some/path' }}


Formats a date using moment.js.

{{ formatDate '2020-09-24' 'MMM Do, YYYY' }}


Returns TRUE if the current page has a specific tag.

{{#hasTag 'draft'}}
    <p>This is a draft</p>